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More information about village, which belonged to the Mouřenec parish.

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People from this village were buried in this cemetery.

German name:   Neustadtl
Czech name: Nové Městečko


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Grave numberLast name Name, Other informations

98Schwarz Franz, Neustadtl Nr. 8, (Nové Městečko) , * 22.11.1902, † 20.12.1927
189Schneider Adolf, Neustadtl, (Nové Městečko) , * 05.08.1887, † 24.04.1938
190Sperl Alois, Nuserau Nr. 16, (Nové Městečko) , * 09.06.1878, † 1939

Links to sources of further information

Digitized historical registry office -  CZ  DE

Photos and documents about this village

Photos of the village
Source: family archive Aussprung
Photos of the village
Source: family archive Aussprung
Photos of the village
Source: family archive Aussprung
Photos of the village
Source: family archive Aussprung