Previous village Ziegelhütte | | More information about village, which belonged to the Mouřenec parish. | |

Following village Audechen Zálužice |
| People from this village were buried in this cemetery. | |
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| German name: | Annathal | |
| Czech name: | Annín | |
| Map:
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| Grave number | Last name Name, Other informations | |
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| 47 | Führer Otto, Annathal Nr. 15, (Annín) , * 21.08.1891, † 27.12.1938 | |
| 124 | Schuster Karl, Annathal, (Annín) , * 25.11.1885, † 12.1942 | |
| 150 | Petraschka Anna, Annathal, (Annín) , * 09.07.1870, † 02.08.1922 | |
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| Links to sources of further information | |
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| Digitized historical registry office - portafontium.eu  | |
| Facebook Annín  | |
| wikipedia CS  | |
| Annín Glassworks - Museum and glass shop - History of the glassworks  | |
| Rajský Dvůr Annín - Museum and glass grinding shop  | |
| Rajský Dvůr Annín - Museum and glass grinding shop - Facebook  | |
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| Photos and documents about this village
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