Grave number : 75

Show the location of the grave on the cemetery map

Last name Name, Other informations

Maidl Barbara, Pawinow, (Palvínov)
Maidl Johann, Pawinow, (Palvínov)

Information about the grave

Edging of the grave : concrete / artificial stone
Pedestal of the cross : concrete / artificial stone
Cross : concrete / artificial stone

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 75
Date of acquisition: 10/2021