Grave number : 70
Crypt family Müller

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Last name Name, Other informations

Müller Zdenko Emanuel, Family grave, Landowner, * 10.12.1875, † 05.11.1942

Information about the grave

Inscription : stone slab on the wall

The private tomb of the family of the founder of the glassworks in Annín, Augustin Müller, who also owned a chateau in Palvínov and other real estate in Vatětice.
The Müllers were patrons of the church and contributed to its operation.
In the 1950s and 1960s, vandals visited the crypt and disgraced the remains of buried glassmakers.
People later said that all the vandals were cursed or infected with a disease in the tomb and died relatively soon.
Whatever the case, the descendants of the glassmakers had the tomb walled up at the end of the last century, so that the already buried glassmakers would finally have peace.
Members of the Müller family resemble tombstones at the entrance to the crypt.

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 70 - Crypt family Müller
Date of acquisition: 9/2021