Grave number : 25

Show the location of the grave on the cemetery map

Last name Name, Other informations

Landauer Alois, Master carpenter from Palvínov, * 03.06.1857, † 19.06.1941
Landauer Emil, * 16.05.1900, † 17.01.1937
Landauer Thekla, Pawinow, (Palvínov) , * 05.06.1860, † 20.03.1930

Information about the grave

Edging of the grave : stone
Tombstone (without cross) : stone
Inscription : in the stone of the tombstone / plinth

Links to sources of further information

Census 1921, Landauer family, Štěpanice (Stěpanitz) Nr. 7 - Porta fontium  CZ  DE

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 25
Date of acquisition: ~ 1940
Source: Collection Dipl. Ing. Herwig Kufner, Vienna
Comment: Grave in the background on the right
Photos of the grave 25
Source: Maria Frank, Land und Leut im mittleren Böhmerwald, Seite 79, Morsak Verlag
Comment: Inn Landauer in Ackerhöfen (Pawinov / Palvínov)